New Fashioned

Brian Shef
2 min readJan 13, 2020
Grungy table. Fridge-made ice cubes. Plain glass. The New Fashioned I enjoyed is as unpretentious as it gets.


  • 2 parts Bourbon
  • 1 part Brandy
  • Squeeze of an orange wedge
    ( go nuts, use a clementine )
  • Dash of simple syrup
    ( maintain eye contact with any haters as you stir it in )
  • Serve over ice, and garnish with a small orange peel
    ( or twist of orange if you’re unapologetically fancy )


There it is, my New Fashioned recipe. See, what had happened was, I had to take the day off from work to deal with having my stairs replaced. It involved my input a lot more than I expected. Anyway, I took advantage of the time and also did 99% of my giftwrapping right there in the living room by the stairs.

Nonetheless, doing that kind of monotonous manual labor while listening to alternating creaking and cracking of wood and banging of tools was quickly getting on my nerves. So I decided to put on some movies. Had myself a little James Bond marathon. (It was the Daniel Craig era ones, if you must know).

Anyway, at the end of the day, my hands were numb, my ears were ringing, I was mentally exhausted, and for some reason, I really wanted a cocktail to celebrate the end of the day’s drudgery.

What I wanted was an Old Fashioned. I didn’t have quite the right ingredients, however. But I had managed to accrue a substantial selection of booze and accompaniments, so I spent approximately 17 seconds thinking about how I might make an Old Fashioned-esque cocktail with what I had on hand.

So I mixed up some bourbon and brandy and a squeeze of orange, added maybe a teaspoon of simple syrup because my bourbon was cheap and I just don’t care what anyone thinks about me… and I thought, you know, bourbon and brandy isn’t exactly some newfangled, earth-shattering combination. Surely this cocktail has a name?

I Googled. You better believe I Googled hard. And, though there are bourbon and brandy drinks out there, none are close enough to mine.

So, I guess I invented a new cocktail, while trying to approximate one of the oldest. Thus, the birth of the New Fashioned.

Sony Pictures — call me, I’d like to talk to you about some product placement in the next 007 film…

